Scandbio bedding pellets are soft, comfortable and produce minimal dust.
Bedding pellets
Bedding pellets. Easy to handle. Easy to rake out. Less wood shavings on the manure pile. Easy to muck, bright and fresh. Less dust … Yes, the list of benefits is long. Try it yourself!
Bedding pellets of the purest shavings
01Less dust
The pellets are vacuumed during their manufacturing.
02Easy to rake out
The pellets fall apart easily and do not stick to the rake.
03Less wood shavings on the manure pile
Waste is reduced both in volume and weight.

Scandbio bedding pellets
Scandbio bedding pellets are a 100 % natural product made from chippings from Swedish sawmills, without additives. The pellets enable bright, fresh and dust-free stable environments where both horses and people feel comfortable. Easy to use, store and enjoy.
Save on the important things
Scandbio bedding pellets save you time, space and money. Compared to a bale of shavings, a 14 kg bag is much easier to lift and easier to store. On average, 1.3 pallets of stable pellets are needed per year and horsebox compared to 2.5 pallets of shavings per bale. According to SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, that’s a saving of 1.4 kg per day.
In addition, you minimise the proportion of shavings that end up on the manure pile, approx. 45 % less. You also don’t have to empty the manure pile as often. The manure will be clean and fine without shavings, ready to be spread on the fields. In addition, you help the environment on the way because there is more volumetric weight and less emissions per delivery.

Always use bedding pellets
There is a common misconception that bedding pellets and heating pellets are one and the same. They aren’t. Bedding pellets are made to fall apart as quickly as possible, while heating pellets are made to retain their form as long as possible during burning.
Our bedding pellets are also lighter as they contain a minimal proportion of pine, and the horses are thus not exposed to ethereal oil in the form of terpenes. Bedding pellets are much easier to dissolve because spruce has a higher absorption capacity. This in turn provides a drier bed with less ammonia emissions.

Our products
Bedding pellets in bags
Questions about bedding pellets?
You’re always welcome to contact us!