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Sustainability is all about using resources wisely.



We are a leading actor in the transition to a sustainable society by developing local bio-based residual products into climate-smart energy and input goods for customers in northern Europe.

Scandbio's vision

2025Fossil-free production

2025Fossil-free bulk transports

2030Fossil-free transports to all customers

2030Climate-positive operations

What does it mean to be climate positive?


The definition of being “climate positive” is that the activities of a company help more carbon dioxide to be absorbed from the atmosphere than what the activities emit. There are two ways to get there:


Natural carbon sinks

When the company contributes to increasing the natural carbon sinks. Examples include planting forests, (re-)creating wetlands, and sequestering carbon in long-lived products.


Technical solutions

There is existing technology for capturing and encapsulating carbon dioxide, to reduce the amount of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

Which emissions do we measure?

In order to measure climate actions, it is necessary to make clear boundaries. Scandbio has chosen to use the global framework “Greenhouse Gas Protocol” as our guide. Here, greenhouse gases are divided into three areas (or “scopes”).


Scope 1 – Direct emissions from operations

Mainly energy and fuels (100 % is being followed up)


Scope 2 – Indirect emissions from purchased energy

Mainly electricity and heating (100 % is being followed up)


Scope 3 – Emissions in the supply chain

Includes materials, transports, waste, travels, etc. (90 % is being followed up)


We follow the guidelines from the “Science Based Target Initiative”, but we are not formally affiliated.


Save money through smart demands

It’s becoming increasingly important to cooperate with companies that are aware of their climate impact. Mapping this as an external part, however, can be complex and time-consuming – and therefore costly.


Expect more from your business partners

  • Require measurement according to an acknowledged standard, such as GHGP, SBTi or equivalent.
  • Require reporting according to CSRD (ESRS) or another international standard.
  • Require a Sustainability notice.

We will help you

We have already calculated the climate impact of our products according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. When you use Scandbio pellets, climate impact is included in your Scope 1.


With this product-specific climate data, you don’t have to use data based on an industry average – making it easier to reach your own company’s climate goals.


Production and transport of pellets, briquettes and powder

Latest industry average (2023): 3,9 g CO2e/MJ

Scandbio’s LCA (2023): 0,7 g CO2e/MJ

Do you have questions regarding our sustainability work?

Please get in touch!