Scandbio is Scandinavia’s largest company within solid refined wood fuels.
About Scandbio
We are a leading actor in the transition to a sustainable society by developing local bio-based residual products into climate-smart energy and input goods for customers in northern Europe.
A strong vision leads the way
We are 125 employees working together, each one an expert in their field.
Scandbio has an annual turnover of SEK 1,300,000,000.
03Production facilities
Our production is split between five factories in Sweden and one in Latvia.
We have an annual production capacity of 575,000 tonnes of renewable energy.
05District heating
In the Swedish cities Norberg and Ulricehamn we produce 75 GWh of district heating each year.

Sustainability in its smallest form
When you switch to Scandbio pellets, you’re not just choosing 100 % renewable and fossil-free energy, you’re also choosing pure business benefits. Your own energy can then be used to focus on things like productivity or innovation. Above all, you get an enhanced ability to reach your environmental goals and greatly reduce your carbon footprint. The changeover happens smoothly and reliably as you have our dedicated experts and five Swedish factories at your back.
What at first glance looks simply like pressed wood shavings is in fact an enabler for people and the environment, a natural force ready to move society forward and make a true difference. We give you the strength to be better, the very fuel on the way to an easier and brighter existence. It’s pure energy for industries and sustainability in its smallest form.
Our promise goes beyond pellets
We’d like you always to feel safe with Scandbio. We promise reliable deliveries of products of a consistent and high quality. We will never compromise the sustainability of the ecosystem, environment, factories, production or business – and we’re always close at hand when you need us. In addition, we strive always to be proactive, staying at the forefront or even one step ahead.
Environmental work 24/7
We are working to become a climate-positive business by 2030. It’s a long journey, but we’re well on our way.
An example that benefits our customers is that we have calculated the climate impact of our products according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GGP). Customers can now enter real data – instead of the (considerably) higher industry average – into their own sustainability work. Get in touch and we will help you further!

Pellet production – a natural science
Our products are made from sawdust, a residual product obtained when sawmills make planks and boards. We dry out the water, grind, compress and test. Over and over again.
Nothing unnatural is added – it is the wood’s own glue, lignin, that forms the pellets when the sawdust is exposed to heat and pressure. The fact that we have been producing pellets since 1984 makes it safe to say that we know pellets quite well.

Feel free to get in touch if you have questions about us
– or about pellets in general!